CASA on the Catwalk
(Luncheon & Fashion Show)
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, check-in begins at 10:30 a.m. with program starting at 11:30 a.m.
Please join us for our signature fundraising event, CASA on the Catwalk! This fun and fashionable spring event will include a seated luncheon, silent auction, and women’s fashion show featuring the latest looks from Lilly Pulitzer. Please see Join the Event section below for online purchases for luncheon sponsorships, tables, and individual seats. (Note: Tables are only reserved when table payment in full is received at Georgia CASA.)
Some sponsorship levels include one or more tickets to the Patron Party, held the evening of March 1st at a private home in Buckhead.
Proceeds from the event support the work of Georgia CASA, a nonprofit that strengthens and supports 44 court-sanctioned, affiliate CASA programs in Georgia that empower community volunteers who advocate for abused or neglected children and contributes to advancements within the child welfare system. The vision of Georgia CASA is for all children who experience abuse or neglect to have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential with the support of permanent connections to family.
Deidra Dukes
Honored Guest Speaker
Chief Justice David Nahmias
Supreme Court of Georgia
Join the Event
Purchases are now closed as of April 6th.
Listing of benefits and pricing for sponsorships, tables, and seats
COVID Disclaimer – Please read before making a purchase.
In-Kind Sponsors
ASIX Holding Company, LLC
Kellie Brewer
Yvonne Dorsett
Greer Howard
Melyssa Kirn – Grainwell
Scribe Printing
Sandra Smith
Silent Auction Packages
Below is a sampling of silent auction packages:
Weeklong stay at condo in Steamboat Springs, CO
4-night stay at luxury log cabin on Dale Hollow Lake on TN/KY border
3-night stay at condo in Sawgrass Country Club in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Atlanta Braves game tickets
Cason Photography portrait sessions
Kate Spade “Kelsey” tote
Jewels with a Purpose jewelry sets
Brewer’s party for 10 through Brewed to Serve
If you have any questions about the event, please email CASA on the Catwalk or Lori Derhammer.